About Yagé (Ayahuasca)
Yagé is a powerful plant spirit used for thousands of years by indigenous cultures of the Amazon. In the tradition, it is said that around 5,000 years ago, a staircase came down from the heavens, and different beings were walking down it. This was when the vine of the Yagé, Caapi, and the leaf, Chagropanga, were given as a gift to humanity. From there, the native people were given the formulas, diets, and protocols for working with these sacred plants. Yagé, or Ayahuasca, is a powerful plant spirit that can support us in our awakening and healing journey. All plant medicines are humanizing medicines. They help us turn inwards and reconcile with parts of ourselves that we have been running from. They also give guidance on the direction of our lives and teach us how to live from the heart.
This plant acts as a purgative, as it comes into us to clean us physically, emotionally, and spiritually of old emotions, traumas, impacts, and karmic bonds that are keeping us from freedom.
Want to learn more? Check out this incredible documentary featuring Finca Ambiwasi and Taita Juanito called ‘The Medicine’.